Plant trees and enjoy the open air
We are going ahead with our Woodland Trust tree planting on Saturday morning (21st March)
We think any risk of infection from Covid 19 should be minimal. Though the Council has cancelled all its own Ranger-led volunteer tasks until further notice, there is nothing to stop volunteer-led tasks going ahead. There is no government advice to avoid open spaces or to cease activities in the open air.
Obviously if you are in an at-risk group you should be extra-careful. But there will be no need for close contact. Volunteers can stay well away from one another when planting. Refreshments will not be provided.
There are around 100 saplings, plus a few shrubs, so 2 hours should be plenty.
We will meet at the corner of Batcliffe Mount and Batcliffe Drive at 10.00 am and move around the park from there.
Please wear waterproof boots, as the park is very soggy still. Also, please bring your own garden spade if you have one.